Well, we always enjoy it when our favorite former Crew player, favorite Marylander (if that's a word), favorite former Olympian, favorite Mr. GQ, etc... (You get the point, he's the total package!) comes to town. We caught up with Holly and Dante at a Crew event at Gameworks.

Lesley and her husband Uwe also stopped by for some fun. (Jennifer, Lesley, and Holly)

We need to do this more often! Let's plan our next game outing (and Casino/Races Weekend too) soon. Miss you!
(Holly and Jennifer)
Bickley and Jennifer
Well, the weather is finally starting to warm up and lacrosse season is upon us. Both Emily and Greg are playing this year. This is Emily's second year, and she's really coming a long. She's a lot more aggressive this year. ...we always knew she had a little fight in her! LOL Greg is doing well at catching on to the game, and he's done real well with the face offs. With Bickley being the assistant coach for Greg's team, it seems like the whole family is getting into the game.
Well, we weren't able to be "the next contestant" for Bob Barker, but we did get to take in the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. If you haven't been a part of one of these "live" shows before, you should definitely give it a try. ....plus, if you're lucky, you'll get some complimentary Jeff Foxworthy beef jerky like we did! LOL