Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

One of our favorite times of the year...Christmas! Time with family and friends, giving gifts, the decorations, remembering the Christ in Christmas, the smile on a child's face, and more...
We spent Jacob's 2nd Christmas in Pennsylvania, and he loved every minute of it! 19 months old and he was a pro at unwrapping his presents. All the holiday lights were "beautiful", and the Christmas cookies and chocolate also put a smile on his face.

What makes Pappy smile? Why a train store gift certificate, of course!!!

Shell cuddles with her own little present, Connor...on his first Christmas.
...and Uncle Josh chills out with Jacob.

Uncle Jeff and Carrie...aren't they cute?

Aunt Jaime gets some quality time with Jacob too...she also helps him try on the cool leather jacket she got him.

Bickley and Jennifer have so much to be happy be well as Katelyn and Travis who have an upcoming wedding.

Aunt Libbie and great cousin Jenny also get their fill of babies!

Jacob tries out his new Play-My-Way Center, by being Dr. Bickley and checking out Elmo's heart. How's he look, Doctor?

Guess Mia needs checked out too!

Another Christmas and another wagon to try out...yep, he fits! lol

Greg gets in on the gift-opening too. That's a mighty big package, Greg. You must have been a good boy...

The boys relax on the couch together...
Hope you're having a relaxing holiday as well.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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