We were excited to be in Phoenix, AZ!
Seeing family (Bickley's mother and stepfather
and sister and niece live there) and watching the Buckeyes
win were on our list of things to enjoy.
with our luck at the Gila River Casino;
Bickley came out a little ahead with Blackjack.
(I guess that little handheld Blackjack game
the kids got him for Christmas is really paying off!)
I was up and down with the slots, but no real harm done.
Heather (Bickley's sister) and Anne (his mother) also enjoyed the casinos. None of us made it big enough to move to Hawaii and retire anytime soon. Oh, well...we'll keep trying.

the home of the Arizona Diamondbacks (MLB).
It was at their field that OSU held their "Buckeye Bash",
the biggest pep rally I've ever attended!
Buckeye fans spread from one end to the other and even
the second level started to fill up. It was pretty amazing.
We know one thing, the Buckeyes didn't lose
because of a lack of fan support! (Oh, sorry if I ruined the ending for you.)
We thought this was a pretty creative display of Buckeye support. This "gator" has what looks to be a look alike of Woody Hayes riding its back!

the official hotel of the Ohio State University Buckeyes and team.
The College of Education was holding a cocktail reception there
for alum, and we were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse
of the team as they were going into their pregame (evening before) meeting. Heather got center Datish to come over and take a quick picture with me. You know, us Pittsburgh fans need to stick together!

to the Acme Bar & Grill, where the "Varsity Club" and OSU Phoenix Chapter had set up for a hineygate-style shindig. We had a great time! Thanks, Heather, for chauffeuring us around!

could party from 11 A.M. to 2 A.M. We pretty much saw Scarlet and Gray everywhere we looked. I think the planners of this party took some notes from Lane Avenue on Buckeye Saturdays. It was awesome!
We're still all smiles....only an hour and a half until game time!
...there's nothing like another Spielman

"Bowl Fever" after this whole event!

to get you pumped up for the game!
Steve Klueg, Bick, and Matt Keech pose for a pic. What a coincidence that Bick ran into alum from Sandusky St. Mary's Central Catholic H.S.!

Thank you, Brittney and Brad, for making this all possible!
You both really are one in a million!

we have 14 points on the board...but we're still down.
All we need is a good pep talk in the locker room, right?!?!

...and now I choose to not include any more pics. of the game after the second quarter; partly because the Buckeyes never scored again and partly because the 14-41 blowout is still so painful. We could come up with a list of reasons as to what went wrong. At the end of the day we were out-played. Plain and simple. The other team wanted it more. But the season was still a great one, and if you're a Buckeye fan you can always relish in a victory over "that team up north". Right? I will tell you this, we're not fair-weather fans; we still proudly wore our scarlet and gray on the airplane and we were reassured that we weren't alone when we looked at the other passengers. There's always next year....

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