Sunday, December 07, 2008

Seven months old already!

"Yep, it's me, Jacob.
I'm back for my monthly photo shoot.
These things are kinda getting to be old hat....
just me and my bear posing.
These days I'm sitting pretty,
or handsome that is, being that I'm all boy.
I'm still "swimming" and up on all fours.
I promise I'll be crawling soon.
Although, Mommy and Daddy are probably
not in any hurry to baby-proof the house.
I'm laughing all the time, smiling twenty-four hours a day,
babbling non-stop, and giving some really wet kisses.
I'm eating all kinds of food...mac & cheese, green beans,
peaches, mixed berries, chicken dinner, banana granola crunch,
and more. I'm even feeding myself Puffs. Yummy!
I discovered Elmo on the TV and we could definitely be good buddies!
The pediatrician says I'm hitting all my benchmarks and growing just right.
I'm in the 97th percentile for height (imagine that with my Daddy's genes)
and the 95th percentile for weight....
although Mommy said you don't have to get an A+ in everything!
I hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see you all soon.
Kiss! Kiss!"

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