Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Birthday...Take 2!

Well, they must have gotten the memo, because we got a Fog Delay on Jacob's birthday!
He was all smiles! He couldn't have thought of a better way to spend his birthday
than an extra 2 hours in the morning with Mommy and Daddy!
Jacob thought maybe Mommy and Daddy were joking...
it's my birthday, and we get a Fog Delay
AND I get Froot Loops for breakfast?!?!?
Wow! What a lucky, one year old!
Well, "Jacob Fest '09" wouldn't be complete without a SECOND 1st birthday!
Yep, you heard me right. We love our family in PA so much,
and we know that the trek out to Ohio isn't always possible
so we had a birthday for Jacob with all of his family too...
Great, Great Grandma (i.e. Gigi), Grammy and Pappy, Great Aunts and Great Uncles,
Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, and Great Cousins, and more!
We can't do this every year, but, hey, it's his FIRST BIRTHDAY!
Jacob read each birthday card carefully and passed them on to Grammy.
What a sweetheart!
More balloons! Yep, what an easy way to make his day!
The 2nd time around Jacob knew what to expect, and he was all about the cake!
He even used a fork to feed himself...some of the time.
This cake wasn't quite as detailed, but it still had Elmo and all of his Sesame Street friends.
Great Aunt Jeanne and Aunt Jamie catching up
Pappy giving Jacob a hug...yeah, it was his nap time, so we gave in and gave him his pacifier.

Daddy, Uncle Bobby and Pappy
More cards to read...what a lucky, well-loved little boy!
Jacob checking out his cool, learning Turtle
Michelle getting her baby fix....
we can't wait until she delivers Jacob's cousin and partner in crime!
Carrie and Uncle Jeff
Jenny laughing...maybe I was asking her [yet again]
when she was going to give Jacob a playmate!
See, now you know why I was asking....she's a natural!
Look how comfy Jacob is!
Uncle serious for an Elmo b-day!
Come on, smile. Elmo loves you!

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