Christmas tradition for us always involves a Cybak get-together on Christmas Eve. We do the modernized version of a Ukranian Christmas Eve. You've got to love those peirogies!
Greg and my cousin Adam smile for the camera, as they're on their best behavior
for Santa and are ready for the presents!
We added a new twist to our Christmas Eve gift exchange...a white elephant game of sorts. Uncle Rich tries to "sell" his ornament as multi-purposeful! Hmmmm....I don't know if I'm falling for that one.
Aunt Janice, Aunt Jonelle (Rich's wife), & the children find Rich humorous.
So, "'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" (Hey, kids, that's your cue! Get to bed! Get some zzzzz's!)"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care....
In hopes that St. Nicholas" (or his stand in, my Mother) "soon would be there;"
"...Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed in all fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of toys he had flung on his back..." (I'll say so!)
"...He spoke not a word, but went straight to work, and filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,..." (Check out the wrapping job on those presents! Boy, his "elves" sure are handy!)
And so the poem/story goes...For us, Christmas morning is hot chocolate and some muffins and cinnamon rolls. Mom goes to work in the kitchen to help get things ready before the kids come down to open their gifts.
Josh grabs his standard seat and one of the kitties (Keno)...
Greg comes down the stairs first and stops to take the scene in....
A portable DVD player! For me? Cool!
Greg's expression to his portable DVD player was a little more priceless!He jumped into Allan's arms in excitement and gave him a huge hug!
Hmmmm...has this big kid really been that good?!?! That looks like an awfully big package, Josh.
Another big kid is all smiles Christmas morning! Dad got a gift certificate to one of his favorite train stores in Columbus, OH. We knew we could get him out to Ohio for a visit!
SHOES! "You mean to tell me that Grandma picked these all out on her own? They're perfect! I love them! She has great taste!"
Well, we all know Christmas isn't complete without some Steeler gifts! Greg proudly sports his Hines Ward #86 jersey! This was one of many Steeler gifts he received this Christmas.
Greg and Jeff pose together while opening gifts.
Jeff is all smiles in his new, sporty vest! Is modeling in his future? He is a cutie, but don't quit your day job quite yet, Jeff!
Josh and Jaime open gifts in the background as Jeff and Carrie watch as the kids unwrap more presents.
Don't worry, this isn't our house or a relatives! It's just a must see when you're in PA, in the Beaver County area!
This house can be seen for miles! Talk about Christmas spirit!
"Happy Christmas to all - and to all a good night!"We also want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May your holidays be joyful and filled with all the love and happiness that life has to offer! May 2007 bring you more happiness and wonderful memories with family and friends. Keep in touch! We're thinking of you all.
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