Believe it or not...11 months old already!
Yep, 11 months old...and he's keeping us very busy. Jacob is a little explorer...into everything. He loves his books, balls, "Little People", and more. This last month he's really broadened his horizons with food, too. He only has two teeth now, but he likes grilled chicken, ham, pasta, pizza, scalloped/mashed/sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, peaches, yogurt, etc...all "big people" food. He never turned down one of the baby foods we offered him, so we hope these good eating habits will keep developing as he gets older. He's drinking out of his sippy cup like a pro now, down to one bottle at bedtime, and only has his pacificer when he goes to bed or is at the doctor. We're definitely blessed with him being such an "easy baby". We're already starting to brace ourselves for the "terrible twos" and threes...I know it has to get harder. Jacob isn't walking on his own quite yet, but he's taking 2 or 3 little steps at a time, so we're thinking it's going to be soon. Watch out, world!
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