Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Stay at Grammy & Pappy's...

Well, any of you who ever met my Grammy and Pappy know how cool they are...I wholeheartedly agree. I decided to make a Top 10 list of the reasons to stay there, from my last visit. Enjoy!

10. Grammy has special connections, and I got to meet the Easter Bunny IN PERSON! I didn't cry or flinch a bit...we quickly became friends and he told me to expect a big basket for my very 1st Easter.

9. Where else can you find a warm, cozy body to fall asleep on? Uncle Josh has the magic touch.

8. Quality time with my big brother and cousins always makes me smile. Greg and Adam can sure make me laugh!

7. LASAGNA...need I say more! Grammy is always introducing me to new, big boy foods that I love!

6. My very own Easter Bunny ears...yep, I'm the Easter Bunny-in-training! You do see the resemblance, don't you?

5. Free reign of all the band instruments I need (i.e. pots and pans)!

4. Words of wisdom from my wise Uncle Jeff, and, of course, cuddle time too!

3. "On the road again..." - My very own train AND monkey backpack...yep, I know you're jealous!

2. CHOCOLATE! Yum! (Yeah, I only had two or three licks...and I did leave a tooth mark or two [I only have two!] in the bunny, but it was worth it!)
...and the #1 reason to stay at Grammy & Pappy's.....GRAMMY & PAPPY, of course!

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