Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Look who, just turned TWO months old!

On July 7th, Jacob turned two months old!
It's hard to believe how quickly time has flown by.
So, we were back at it with Jacob's bear...
it's neat to go back and compare these photos
with his one month old pics. with his furry friend.
So many more smiles now...he's really getting strong, too.
Jacob is holding his head up very well,
stretching out those long legs and standing with help (of course),
rolling over from his stomach to back, and more!
Each day is full of excitement!

A little shout out and wave to his friends and fans...

Check out the dimples! Too cute!

Even sitting up with a little help in holding Mommy's hand!
Yep, his buddy is all ears...
Boy, that must have been a funny joke!
...now here's the real game plan...
Check back next month for my three month old pics.!

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