The flowers were there and the bridal party was all dolled up....
the sun was out and the limo was on time...
everything was in place for a perfect day and a very memorable occasion!
I guess that rehearsal sure paid off and got all the nervousness out of her system...
After the wedding, the bridal party toasts the happy couple!
Aren't they a cute pair?!?!
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cybak!!!
Jennifer and Jim
let's bring on the party!!!
No western PA wedding is complete without the "cookie tables"!
Now there's a tradition that's really "sweet"!
I see a sugar overdose in the near future!
the cutting of the cake
That look says it all....
The bride and groom pose with "G.G." (i.e. Great Grandma Pat)
Mom and Dad share a dance...I think he's even singing to her. How sweet!
Lauren and Nathan....our little boy is growing up!
Ron and his little girl Amanda
Katelyn and her boyfriend pose for a photo, too.
Aunt Jonelle and Uncle Rich
Jeff and Carrie are all smiles as well.
Even Greg and Emily are feeling the love...a little sibling dance. Too sweet.
Congratulations, Josh and Jaime! We're so happy for the two of you.
We hope you always feel as much love for each other as you did on this day.
May this just be the beginning of a lifetime of love and happiness.
Welcome to the family, Jaime!
Congratulations, Josh and Jaime! We're so happy for the two of you.
We hope you always feel as much love for each other as you did on this day.
May this just be the beginning of a lifetime of love and happiness.
Welcome to the family, Jaime!
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